
There are 2 ways to get more gold than you can conceive...

1. Psyche is an asteroid with an estimated amount of 600 billion tons of gold, two million times the amount that we've found on earth. It's a metal asteroid... If humans advanced beyond the earth, gold on earth could become abundant.

2. Creating gold. It's known nowadays that it's impossible to create gold through chemical processes, so the medieval alchemists have wasted their time. But it's possible to create through nuclear processes...
Gold has 79 protons, Mercury has 80. If we were able to remove 1 proton from Mercury, that could become gold...
Once something is known, it's then repeated several times... And, again. Gold on earth would become abundant :)

Thanks for reading this!
Right now, the process of making gold from mercury exists, and it costs 1.8 million times more than the money you can earn by selling the gold.
You get $0,003 from gold, after an entire day using the reactor.
They charge you $200 per hour to operate it xD
You'r correct but its too much expensive .
this guys done a PH.D , Doctarade and 17 other degrees
We have discovered one gold asteroid, perhaps there maybe more similar to that?

I had done this before

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