
The USA are a backward country

<Comment deleted by user>
#1: And despite all that, it is consistently ranked among the best places to live on the planet.
@FC-in-the-UK said in #1:
> 1) The only western country where death penalty is still legal and applied.
> 2) Stricter abortion ban than in several subsaharian African countries.
> 3) The only western country and one of the rare countries in the world where carrying a gun is legal. As a consequence, by far the highest gun-related homicide rate among western countries, with periodic mass shootings. You would think that they'd do something about it, but no, just more of the same.
> 4) Withdrew from the International Criminal Court, whose function is to judge crimes against humanity, genocides, war crimes, and crimes of aggression. They even have a law that allows the president to invade La Hague if a US citizen were detained there to be judged by the International Criminal Court. Again, all other Western countries are part of the ICC.
> 5) By far the most expensive healthcare among western countries, and lowest life expectancy against healthcare spending per capita.
> 6) Extremely expensive higher education, only topped by this other heaven on Earth that is the UK.
AM I supposed to say "Here we go again"?
kk fine
Ah here we go AGAIN

Hates are welcome XD
@Alientcp one of your many problems is that you compare the US with "your country", which happens to be under-developed (no offence). So yeah, no surprise they do better. But if you compare the US with countries whose economy is similar, they do worse on every regard I mentioned in #1.
@clousems said in #23:
> #1: And despite all that, it is consistently ranked among the best places to live on the planet.
Probably because the people doing the rankings are some upper/middle-class consumers. As I said once, if you care for blind consumerism and having everything bigger, dumber and more unhealthy, then yes, the US is the place to go.
@clousems said in #23:
> #1: And despite all that, it is consistently ranked among the best places to live on the planet.

Except by Australians. We know that Straya is best, but we all have the bucket-list entry "Visit Disneyland".

edit to correct total misreading of #23
Straya is first amongst equal best places to live.
@Alientcp how to obtain an illegal firearm in two easy steps:
1) Go to your local grocery store and legally buy your favourite gun. If you are a minor, ask for your big brother, cousin, or gang leader to do it for you.
2) remove the serial number.
And voilà! You can now go shoot your neighbour in all anonymity.

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