
The Atheists Guide to Dealings with the Metaphysically Retarded

1) First off: don't call them "metaphysically retarded". You see, most of them are believers in a religion of peace and forgiving and therefore they will bomb, torture and kill the shit out of you until you understand that. Most readers probably think i have muslims in mind, but no: crusades, inquisition, witch-burning, heretics-burning - christians too know how to throw a party. And besides: with all the internet-"safety" measures and porn blockers where should kids these days get their sexual education from if not from catholic priests?

2) "Where did the universe come from? Something cannot come from nothing!"
Don't argue this one. Of course, if "the universe" can't come from "nothing", then their invisible friend also can't come from nothing, but if thinking logically would be a requirement for believers they wouldn't be believers in the first place, no? Yes, "god" is "eternal" but "nature" can't be "eternal" - nature is not god, duh! And don't point out the difference between "nothing" and "we don't know". "God" basically is just a synonym for "i don't know [and therefore believe]", as Ernst Haeckel pointed out.

3) "(My) God is real!"
Of course. So were Ra, Osiris, Zeus, Jupiter, Teutates. All these gods die with the people believing in them. Teutates, for instance, once was *the* god: father of gods. But Celts are quite rare these days and therefore "Teutates" is not a god any more but rather a certain knitting technique. Guess, what will happen with this "one true god" once the peaceful believers of the next "one true god" will carry out their crusade to kill off all the heathens, especially the ones who believe in the former "one true god".

4) Don't you dare to expect logic!
Take, for instance, the christian god: in his first commandment he says: "You shall have no gods before me." Isn't that a rather funny commandment from a god with a monotheistic attitude? Either there is only one god (him) - then this commandment makes about as much sense as: "THOU SHALT HAVE NO THIRD KNEE!" Or he is not the only one being god, then this commandment amounts to forcing us to lie into his face about him being the only one. Or - and that is the funniest possibility - one doesn't become "god" by sheer existence, but because of being made into. By us! But then, the "god" thing fizzles out all by itself, no?

5) "We are peaceful! Only extremists [the others] wrongfully don't understand that."
True, that might be. I mean, all the horrors of the Third Reich also came only from some extremists who interpreted "Mein Kampf" wrong. In fact, the Nazis were all peaceloving and forgiving people. They even built railroads especially for Jews so that they didn't have to walk to the concentration camps, no?

Sarcasm aside, let us analyse what these peace-loving religions have to say in their holy scriptures, inspired by the respective one true god. We talk about the bible, precisely Deuteronomy 20, 11-13 (New International Version):

"When you march up to attack a city, make its people an offer of peace."

[Ahh, a religion of peace.]

"If they accept and open their gates, all the people in it shall be subject to forced labor and shall work for you."

[So, this is what they mean by "peace".]

" If they refuse to make peace and they engage you in battle, lay siege to that city. When the Lord your God delivers it into your hand, put to the sword all the men in it."

It is maybe only warmongering peace-hating me, but to someone with only the slightest doubts about genocide this doesn't sound all that peaceful. And the "extremists" don't understand and interpret that wrong, they just understand that as everybody else understands it, they just find that to be less questionable as the uncivilised heathens they are going to eliminate for the greater good.
> But Celts are quite rare these days

In german it sounds even better: "Kelten sieht man heut' so selten."

Wasn't that phrase coined by Gunkl?
What is the 'Metaphysically Retarded'? I did search for it, but got no good answer, or at least i couldn't understand what people mean by that.
@KindNCool said in #6:
> What is the 'Metaphysically Retarded'? I did search for it, but got no good answer, or at least i couldn't understand what people mean by that.
People who prefer to believe in easily debunked and disproven lies.
Science vs religion
Atheism = more dumped theories
Im gonna quit
@Ameershahul29 said in #9:
> Atheism = more dumped theories

Really? Since when is atheism a theory?

I always thought it is simply about the question: "Do I believe in a supernatural being?" And answering that question with: "No, I don't."

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