
Stop working hard, and start working well!

To all the people who:

1) Run until their head and legs hurt.

2) Play hours of a game they want to be good at per-day.

3) Watch so-many instructional YouTube videos on some-thing that they like that they don't remember any-of-it, because they get overwhelmed with information, and their brain can't take any-of-it in.

4) Try to force them-selves to sleep, and just roll back-and-fourth for hours.

You should really stop, because it's stupid.

Forget the saying "Work hard", and remember the saying "Work well".


What you should do is:

1) Instead of running until it starts hurting and you regret it: Run a little every-day.


You don't get bad-memories/Experiences about/involving exercise, which would discourage you from doing it.

And you don't over-work yourself.


2) Instead of practicing a game for hours daily: Practice it for 30-minutes to 1-hour.


You don't drain your stamina.

And avoid Burn-out/Tilt.


3) Instead of watching a ton of instructional YouTube videos on some-thing you like per-day: Watch a few a day.

That way:

Your brain takes in the information properly.


4) Instead of trying to force your-self to sleep: Stand-up, do some physical exercise, or go for a walk.


You tire-your-self-out.

And don't discourage your-self from going to sleep, because of bad-memories/experiences from when you tried to force-your-self-to-sleep.


I hope you enjoyed reading this, and found it instructive - : )
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@Shadow1414 said in #1
>To all the people who:
>1) Run until their head and legs hurt.

Wait how do you hurt yourself anyway, your a shadow, so do you hurt when there’s an solar eclipse orrrr?
#5: I hurt when I haven't rickrolled any-1 in more than 12 minutes :)!
I think it isn't right to say "stop" working hard.I get your point though.

I think one needs a bit of both hard work and smart work.
I've always pushed myself to the limit, well sometimes it does get a bit too much but at the same time, I get the results.

So I'd say, if you want to acheive something great then hard work is necessary.I also, think it varies from person to person.

Don't "stop" hard work.Push yourself to the limit.That's always been my ideology.
@Shadow1414 said in #6:
> #5: I hurt when I haven't rickrolled any-1 in more than 12 minutes :)!

That means you rickroll 120 people a day!
840 people a week!
3,600 people a month!
43,200 people a year!

Man, no wonder you made this thread.

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