
So, who's the coolest?

@LordSupremeChess said in #2:
> What the heel? What type of question is "Who is cooler: Satan or God?"? BRUH
You saw it, the world is crazy. Witness for me the existence of this forum.
I thought op meant which user is coldest temperature wise. There might be a forum in that. One of the hundreds of millions of lichess users in Antarctica, those people are crazy about chess.
@WassimBerbar said in #4:
> You saw it, the world is crazy. Witness for me the existence of this forum.
If you judge the world by 11 year olds...
@salmon_rushdie said in #6:
> If you judge the world by 11 year olds...
Just look at American politicians if you don't want to look at stupid wee-bairns to judge the world.
@WassimBerbar said in #8:
> I have much evidence if you need some, that the world is crazy.
You'll find what evidence fulfills your own suppositions:)

@LordSupremeChess said in #7:
> Just look at American politicians if you don't want to look at stupid wee-bairns to judge the world.
you'd judge the world by American politicians? lol

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