
Should Homework Be Banned?

Personally, I think homework is stupid.
Homework is useless. It gives the student less will towards studying. Homework should be banned.
No. It forces you to investigate and learn by yourself.
It is a helpful tool for you in the future.
Below a certain age, yes. Children should not have homework.
Homework helps kids build discipline to complete their tasks outside of a school setting. And I think it is valuable for kids to learn how to work on problems on their own, instead of as part of a group in school.

You could extend school hours and have kids do their homework in school, but then I'm not sure what the benefit is. And if you do away with the exercises altogether, then they will presumably miss out on important reinforcement and critical thinking exercises. You might as well say no classes either, so that isn't the solution either.

At most I would just limit homework so that it can be completed fairly quickly without tiring the student out too much from schooling.
Если провидение руководит тобой домашнее задание это контуры, если это тяжкий труд отвлечение необходимо, просто домашнее задание в будущем рождает рабский труд.
I think it should be reduced not banned but honesty if u pay attention in class home works useless u already know everything
Where I live (and teach, part time), I see teachers who give too much home work. Yes, I have given it too, but I like to think not so much as other teachers, and I hope for better reasons.

Why do teachers give HW, anyway? I used to give this as a group work question to my students when I taught at a small uni here in China. How many reasons can you list? I think the longest list to come from any group was about 6 or 7 reasons, and the most I got from any class was 12 or 13.
I think homework in its present form should be abolished. First, we should assign some work as independent work. Independent work is essential. Second, we should allocate part of school hours for independent work under supervision. To do that, we should not extend school hours, but reduce teaching (or passive learning). The extra free time at home may be divided into other activities (play, reading, practicing music, physical exercise, going hiking, helping parents with household chores, etc.)

Also, no heavy school bag.

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