
Share your thoughts. I guess.

#1 They aren't sure of their stance on a post.
#2 I came to lichess before horsey did hehe.
#3 Yes, 1. f3 e5, 2. g4 Qh4# (Actually No)
#4 Caro-kann because you get to put the light-squared bishop out of the pawn chain.
#5 Stalemate = Checkmate
#6 IDK (haven't played Mario Kart)
#7 IDK (I don't watch anime)
#8 Me too, so IDK (again)
#9 I have no friend, so "No friend" is my favourite friend.
#10 Yup, IDK
#11 Nope. Imo, critism helps you correct your mistakes. I don't think it ruins your creativity, though, because you can be creative and still correct your mistakes.
#12 Magnus, because he plays the best chess amaong the three (of course because of the availability of chess engines, etc.)
#13 IDK (never played with Mario's Kart as I said earlier)
#14 What's a BOTW. Do do you mean BOT?
#15 Nah
#16 Can't pin point any one game.
#17 Amazing update. Imo, the limit should have been even lower. Why? (Well that's a topic for another day)
#18 No, it's not pointless. You can conttribute to humanity in any way possible. And maybe (only maybe) we stumble upon some invention that would make us immortal (Don't know if I'd be a huge fan of it though)
#19 Nonsense.
#20 Unless you use it as an insult, it should be fine.
#21 Jokes make you cry out of laughter. Spam makes the spammer cry because they get reported.
#22 Is getting worse.
#23 Fruit
#24 None. I enjoy.
#25 Because the traffic light changed to green.
#26 Yes. Can't people just have some patience
#27 Well, the one I made up that I even can't solve.
#28 Yeah, I guess.
#29 "Knock knock"
"Who's there"
"I'm almost done"
"I'm almost done who"
"I'm almost done answering the questions"
#30 Done!
#1 post. I wanna ask you just one one question.

Why did they build a fence around the graveyard?

Ans-people were dying to get in.
31. Y think so much about chess if u know, only improving makes ur happy rather than chit chat cheat or dreaming masters title?
15 ,,,,there is good or the potential for good in anyone , however this can be heavily outweighed by evil
Here are some more questions I guess.
#31 Are yugioh TCG ban lists as bad as most players say?
#32 Is stealing still stealing if you give back what you stole?
#33 Is suicide prevention wrong?
#34 Would you rather have a "cliffhanger" or a "bad" ending to a show?
#35 Yes or no to filler in shows and why?
#36 Your favourite movie fight that takes place on a bridge?
#37 Is the bishop better than the knight at GM and engine level?
#38 Is Paul from "the beetles" dead? Like the urban legend says?
#39 Are there really only 2 genders?
#40 iPhone or android?
#41 How often do you click on things that say "not clickbait"?
#42 Do you think the "Wii u" was worth buying?
#43 Do you also have sweaty hands right now?
#44 Who has had the hardest life in history?(not "worst" but "hardest")
#45 Do you think chess is a draw? Win for white? Or win for black?
#46 Anyone else wants the "biography" limit to be increased?
#47 Who do you think the "zodiac killer" was?
#48 Should films based on real stories always be accurate and not over dramatize things for "entertainment purpose"?
#49 Is "attack on titan" good?
#50 are "loot boxes" gambling? And if so what should be done about it?
#51 Can you go "above infinity"?
#52 are you too embarrassed to admit that you like "romance". "anime". "cartoons". and or "superhero films"?
#53 Is lying OK if the person you are lying to is OK with it?
#54 are "video games" pointless?
#55 How are you?
#56 What's the best day in history and why?
#57 Does everyone deserve a "second chance"?
#58 Do you know what anime the quote "things will work out somehow" comes from?(hint. the main character uses it)
#59 Do you think a human will ever reach 3000 or more rating? If so when?
#60 Do you prefer "slow positional and strategic" or "crazy tactical" chess?
#61 What did you eat so far today?
#62 If you could choose. should "ratchet and clank" continue from the "reboot"/"remaster" or from "into the nexus"?
#63 are "elements" in games(fire. water. wind. light. etc) boring and overused?
#64 Be honest. Do you sometimes "laugh" or "smile" at others suffering?
#65 Is there a good job for someone who is "autistic". has "anxiety" "Asperger" and "depression" as well as being very socially awkward?
#66 Is "I wouldn't do that if I were you" a stupid sentence?
#67 How often are laws made to benefit the country/people making them instead of the people living in the country?
#68 Is "religion" nonsense?
#69 If you could claim a draw with you being white against a 50 point higher rated opponent. Would you do it?
#70 Did you read this far? If yes put "huh" in your comment. Thanks for reading:)
Ok @shadow1414 I Will share this

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don @shadow1414
31: Never played Yu-Gi-Oh; closest I got was MtG, and I never actually bothered to learn which cards were banned
32: Yes. Think of it mathematically: replace "stealing" with X, and "if you give back what you stole" with Y(X)-- giving back is a function of stealing. Set Y=1 if you do give the good back, else Y=0. If Y=1, X=X. If Y=0, X=X. X doesn't change. Only Y and Y(X)-- the dependent variable and the outcome-- change.
33: Yes, if it's Hitler.
34: Bad ending. Spiderman Unlimited's lack of resolution fills me with rage to this day.
35: Depends on the show.
36: Either the one where Jason Statham beats the crap out of James Franco (I think that took place on a bridge) or the staff duel in Robin Hood: Men in Tights.
37: Depends on the situation. In the right situation, a knight is more valuable than a queen.
38: I'll assume you mean "The BeAtles," and I have never heard that urban legend. Nevertheless, I advise you to live and let die.
39: There are three: Masculine, Feminine, Neuter
40: Palm Pilot
41: Uh, once, I think
42: I have no idea what a Wiiu is
43: Nyet
44: Parmenio
45: Chess isn't solved. The game theory that would be required would be ridiculous enough that it doesn't matter anyways.
46: Not unless you're Ulysses S. Grant
47: Betty White
48: No. Film is a medium of art, just like music, painting, or theater. Asking films not to overdramatize would be like asking painters not to use vivid colors.
49: I wouldn't attack Titan unless he did something to you first.
50: Is a loot box a box of pillaged goods, or a box that itself has been pilfered?
51: Infinity is not a single number; it's more like a concept. If you want to get technical, infinity is greater than infinity. This is one case where my linguistic proof illustrated in 32 would lead you astray.
52: No.
a) Superhero:I liked Dredd and Unbreakable, which are both superhero films--albeit less traditional ones. Pumaman was hilarious.
b) Romance: Romance tends to have boring plot lines, but that doesn't mean there are no good romances. Le Morte D'Arthur was good, for instance.
c) Anime: I haven't seen anything to give me a shred of respect for anime (well, not entirely true; Spirited Away had a decent atmosphere, I guess, but I still didn't like it), so I feel no shame at saying that I dislike the genre.
d) Cartoons: Kim Possible was awesome. The "Your nana is a bad grandmother--" "Shut your mouth!" "But I'm talkin' 'bout Nana" exchange was probably the greatest Shaft reference ever to appear in a children's show, and it deserves our respect, not shame.
53: If we're making ethical concessions, than we would have to define a set of ethics that ARE in effect.
54: As I understand it, most video games do, in fact, have a point system.
55: I'm on top of the world! It's a dismal spot in Greenland.
56: March 4, 1893. Grover Cleveland, like the mighty phoenix, returned.
57: No. Just me.
58: The one where people have hair
59: Magnus Carlsen's bullet rating is almost 3200, so I'm going with "probably"
60: I have no preference; I try to play the one my opponent is less eager to pursue.
61: A donut
62: Are you insulting my girlfriend?
63: Elements are overused in general. They're in freakin' everything
64: Schadenfreude. Avenue Q. Look it up.
65: Yes. All are requirements for pursuing the actuary sciences.
66: Depends on context
67: Interesting question. Short answer: Always. People tend to act in their own self-interest. Read the Theory of Moral Sentiments for more on that.
68: No.
69: Depends on the position.
70: Never!

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