
Rating Change

This topic is not really entirely off topic, but it didn't fit under the other 3 sub-topics, so I am posting it here.

Does anybody know a calculator that can determine your rating change if you played with a specific rated person before the game?

For example, I am currently rated 2152 in antichess. Is there any calculator which will tell me how much rating I will gain/lose if I won/drew/lost with somebody of a particular rating?
I've looked for a similar thing a lot, because I'm trying to develop an understanding of how the system works. I believe Glicko-2 is the system Lichess is using, so if you look that up on Wikipedia it gives you a formula. I don't know what numbers need to be put in to each part of the equation, but here's the link to the page if you do want to use it:
Hope this helps :)
But the equation is very we don't know where to put what. It has all types of variables....
@cFlour said in #1:
> This topic is not really entirely off topic, but it didn't fit under the other 3 sub-topics, so I am posting it here.
> Does anybody know a calculator that can determine your rating change if you played with a specific rated person before the game?
> For example, I am currently rated 2152 in antichess. Is there any calculator which will tell me how much rating I will gain/lose if I won/drew/lost with somebody of a particular rating?

Lichess Feedback.. we don't really need your boasting in this forum. Antichess is not chess anyway.
@obladie said in #5:
> Lichess Feedback.. we don't really need your boasting in this forum. Antichess is not chess anyway.
ya.. what he said.. ;)
@obladie said in #5:
> Lichess Feedback.. we don't really need your boasting in this forum. Antichess is not chess anyway.
@SoNy-ChAnNeL said in #6:
> ya.. what he said.. ;)
Ah the downvoters are back
@obladie said in #8:
> They never left.
Sorry for the downvote, I've taken it off because I can't argue with your opinion but just don't understand what the point of these comments.
Just wondering, if Magnus Carlsen had done the same thing but said "I'm 3300 in bullet" would you have said the same?
If not, then it shouldn't matter whether the person plays Antichess or Standard or some other custom version of chess, they should be treated equally as they're good in their respective fields.
EDIT: I'm not trying to gaslight you or call you out for this, I'm just wondering why someone who is good at their own form of chess should be respected like this.
@BlueMeeple13 said in #9:
> Sorry for the downvote, I've taken it off because I can't argue with your opinion but just don't understand what the point of these comments.
I don't complain about the downvotes, it's that its funny to watch people downvote, as some are for silly reasons, and yes there are obvious,
> Just wondering, if Magnus Carlsen had done the same thing but said "I'm 3300 in bullet" would you have said the same?
> If not, then it shouldn't matter whether the person plays Antichess or Standard or some other custom version of chess, they should be treated equally as they're good in their respective fields.
> EDIT: I'm not trying to gaslight you or call you out for this, I'm just wondering why someone who is good at their own form of chess should be respected like this.

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