
Rant or Rave.

Rant : vent your spleen about stuff that gets up your nose done by obviously brain-dead morons.
Rave : tell us what you love so much that anyone who doesn't love it is obviously a brain-dead moron.
I'll go with the rave, they're kinda crazy fun though I've only been to one.
IPhone was a good product for a while. Totally exlusive proprietary monopoly as far as compatability: no latitude whatsoever: well that sucks. At least they used to have pretty good equipment though.

Many Androids are guilty of this too but with iPhone it is so much more difficult to work around:


No thank you.
-Yeah, why don't you go ahead and have auto focus on permanently anyway because you got it.
MF's! So like Say you want to look inside a tube or pipe. No auto focus will never be able to figure that out for you
Oh really. Fine just turn off auto focus.
No. Not possible
I want these people dead.
It's like portrait view or auto-portrait/landscape view. Those are the two choices. Like a light switch that can either be on or on-or-off-depending-on-what-the-switch-thinks-is-appropriate.
...okay, what happened to just landscape view only?
The closest thing you get with iPhone is Locking in the focus at some point during auto. I suppose I need to get a stand and figure out how far my shot is. lock in the focus then go try it. if its no good then that does seem like way too much hassle for something that really should be simpler.

This is a rant by the way.

I bought a camera app just for the manual focus and it worked fine for a little while. That was an android app. That phone was eaten by a dog.

I'm off to persecute Apple. Any suggestions?
@obladie said in #1:
> Rant : vent your spleen about stuff that gets up your nose done by obviously brain-dead morons.
> Rave : tell us what you love so much that anyone who doesn't love it is obviously a brain-dead moron.

Well have you ever actually given them a chance? You don't have to join their church or be religious at all to see how hard these people are working to establish a good reputation and take over the world. I don't know. Mormons aren't weird but they are weird.

In summary,most of all powerful writing should always have a good clear stopping point.

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