
Post the last song you listened to.

@PixelatedParcel (#775) Great track, from one of my favourite Miles albums. I can never pick which I prefer between "Kind of Blue", "Bitches Brew", "Seven Steps to Heaven", and "Sketches of Spain".

My father was a big Miles Davis and a big Bill Evans fan.
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Sorry @elinora123456. I like the song, but I'm kind of neutral about this version of it. The original recording is interesting. It was titled "In Other Words", recorded by Kaye Ballard in 1954. If I want to listen to a laid back version of it I'll listen to Peggy Lee or Tony Bennett singing it. For a swinging version I'll listen to Frank Sinatra singing Quincey Jones' arrangement. But for floating caressed by the singers' voice it's hard to beat Nat King Cole's version.

(I have to allow it might partially be a matter of familiarity. My father had all the versions I mentioned, on vinyl, except the Kaye Ballard. Growing up with them might have added to the emotional impact they have on me.)

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