

The op thinks he is best
He plays very nice
so i tell him take some rest
but he can't do as he is disturbed by mice

so he creates a post
and then thibault makes his toast
I see that glow in the midst of the night
Oh that beauty in that darkness so bright
Tryin' to catch a glance
But something forbids from taking the chance
I just run away
Just not bold enough to stay
Slip that cyanide in my tea
That glimpse was never for me to see.

- ZwischenzugX11
> The op thinks he is best
> He plays very nice
> so i tell him take some rest
> but he can't do as he is disturbed by mice
> so he creates a post
> and then thibault makes his toast

WOW ! nice
Some of my poems:


Oh, dear Astronomy,
You're far better than Economy;
Dazzled with the stars and galaxies,
Filled with thrills and fantasies.

You helped me out whenever I was sad,
By listening to me and my talk even when I was seeming like a mad;
No one cares who I am,
But you do care who I am and what feelings I have.

Apart from my friends and family,
I consider you my life happily;
Being my supportive soul,
I'm gonna thank you and reach my goal.

How much I say, how much I praise you,
It'd always be less and would be impossible to express my feelings via words to you;
From the bottom of my heart, I thank you,
For supporting me and whatever you have done is not considered just as few.


The buzzed alarm clock,
Was wondering how birds fly in a flock;
But it didn't believe,
That it did live.

The nasty bot,
Unnecessarily fought;
Due to some reason,
In the rainy season.

All this craziness was noticed by a girl,
Who liked how the fidget-spinners twirl;
She studied on the virus from five-to-nine,
And at the end, everything was fine.


I was reading a book,
Filled with Quantum Mechanic;
Got lost in space and saw a sky-hook,
Then became panic.

No oxygen, no air,
Just some space filled with thrill.
Well, with me it wasn't so fair,
Though, I told myself, "Just chill".

Saw a black hole at the end;
Which in excitement made me bend.
At last, I realized I was daydreaming,
When mommy screamed, "Fetch some water" while gardening.


A chess site which is the best,
Works for 24/7 and have no time to rest.
Most of the players are friendly often,
Although, sometimes they are abusive, caution!

Having 8 chess variants is it's speciality
May the site be blessed by immortality.
Thibault Duplessis is the owner,
And also the site's first donor.

Forums of it adore the site,
No matter what, yeah, alright.
You know 'bout what site am talking,
Lichess, of coursie.

About Me

Hey, I'm (insert my real name here).
Just like a calvaria!
Talks like a fool,
Acts just like a mule.

Sometimes crazy, sometimes cool,
Often like an insane sheep's wool!
Looks like an alien,
Behaves like she's Thessalian!

Someone's daughter, someone's sister
Likes to pop the blister.
Someone's granddaughter, someone's friend,
And likes to befriend!

Hates any kind of music,
Doesn't likes the fantasy-stories like broomstick!
Cares to the people who cares her,
Also cares the people who forgets-her!

Being selfish is not her nature,
Wanna be an Astronomer in the future!
Determined and is stubborn with her goals,
No matter what happens to her soul!

(Note: No means to make it look narcissistic).


(My very first poem)

32 pieces' game is chess,
Which also gives much stress.
White and black are the two sides,
Which no one can hide.

Rooks are the two towers,
Who has lots of powers.
Besides kings and queens,
They are really cool things.

Knights are the horse-like pieces,
Due to which winning chance increases.
They jump over and over,
And take pieces slower and slower.

Bishops are the diagonal runners,
Who also makes many blunders.
But helps a lot to the queen,
For checkmating the king.

Poor pawns who suffer the sadness,
Who behaves and does at the end madness,
By converting them into knights and bishops,
And rooks and queens.

Though the king's piece value is zero,
King is the game's real hero!

About Me 2.0

Roses are red,
Bananas are yellow.
Astronomy's my life and,
I'm a space fellow.

-FutureAstronomer .
I am a bee,
that is free.
Do not flee,
Cus i am not gonna sting you.
I will also not fling you,
I will do if you are blue,
and hunters will glue me.
I missed my bus
I was angry
I was tired of running behind it
I was hungry

I suddenly became nervous
I started to think about it
I wondered if the bus
Could wait a little bit

I called the taxi driver
He came to where I was standing
I told him to take me to the office
And he begun his office finding

I reached the office, luckily
I breathed a sigh of relief
But I noticed that
There was no one except a yellow leaf

I suddenly realised
I had come too early
Well, Wow,
I am silly!

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