
Please don't let this forum die. It is the only thing that I have to play with...

horsey the no nosed horsey had no big nose. Until lichess made him and gave him a nice small mouth now rudolph the red nose raindeer, has broken his red nose now I hope he dies so we can replace him HORSEY HORSEYHORSEYHORSEYHORSEYHORSEYHORSEYHORSEYHORSEYHORSEYHORSEYHORSEYHORSEYHORSEY
Wait a sec Santa is that creepy old man coming to your house at night right?

EDIT: Ih and he is fat as well, he might break my chimney
I am a nice guy and I will not let this forum die
@Ice_Bear1 Thats not Santa that's 4666 The Yule Man (Search it up)
i do not have a chimney. does that mean santa will smash my window instead?
Santa Claus Is A Robber On December 25 Going inside people's house without permission

@MagnusChess77 He is actually doing us a favor. Our dads would eat the cookies and milk and become super fat each year if santa doesn't do the deed.
horisie izz te bst hors in da wrold. hi can beet anyon in a batle.
nOw cAn I gEt A hOrSeY?
i mean literally one

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