
Playing chess with ChatGPT

let's play a chess game, I will start. e4

Sure, let's play a game of chess! You have made the move e4, which is a common opening move in chess known as the "King's Pawn Opening." My move would be e5, which is a standard response to e4. The game is now on!


You've made the move Nf3, attacking my e5 pawn and preparing to castle kingside. My move would be d5, attacking your e4 pawn and opening up the center for my pieces. The game is still on!


You've taken my pawn with exd5, opening up the center for your pieces. My move would be Nf6, Developing my knight and preparing to castle kingside. The game is still on!


You've taken my pawn with Nxe5, attacking my f6 knight and opening up the d4 square for your knight. My move would be Nf6, Developing my knight and preparing to castle kingside. The game is still on!

and in 4 moves ChatGPT made an illegal move, it's interesting that it could TRY to do this but ultimately it failed
Interesting. I guess ChatGPT knows that his distant brother, Stockfish (or Lc0 or AlphaZero) can beat us humans in chess. Very interesting that it chose to repeat Nf6 though...
It's interesting for it to claim they had a Knight on f6 that was attacked (which it was not) and then try to play Nf6 anyways lol.

just goes to show it's great at generating valid text, it's also pretty good at reformulating and regurgitating information but it is incredibly weak at logic
More and more human every day.
Wonder how long till the trash talk starts.

Just what we need,a cybertroll.
a nice demonstration of the limits of chat GPT's 'knowledge'. It is just stringing things together that sound plausible. But pretty soon it gets itself into logical knots because it hasn't actually got a clue.

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