
Make sure to read the forum etiquette

Nothing, just a joke. (This is Off-Topic, right? If so, then it's lichessically legal) :)
Anyway, Every week I see dozens of forum posts that disobey the forum etiquette.
Aaaa les étiquettes! Oui!
Item BV 123147 on the rejected draft of iBucketlist 27£.
He did! He did! He knew I'd say that!


How the HELL did you know what I was going to say, Mr. Blushwood? HAHHAHHAHHAHHAH!!!
@SerialTypist said in #7:

He is the most famous forum chatter. You cant make fun of him. So pls don't make fun of anyone. He is @MrPushwood and everyone will call him @MrPushwood . Actually I don't like people making fun of other people.
I read it daily as a warmup for my continuing study of the TOS. Then I wind down with a light scan of FAQ.

It's a rather grueling routine

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