
Lichess Forum Facts

Some of the Facts about our beloved Forums which I found From webarchive
1. All of the sub - topics were introduced on 18 October 2010
2. Lichess Feedback is an exception it was Introduced on 17 October 2010
3. There used to be a 5th Sub - topic known as ' Getting Started ' it was later discontinued
And here are the 1st topics ever created !
1st Off Topic
1st Feedback
1st General Chess Discussion
Unfortunately there is no snapshot available for game analysis
@HemaWorst said in #4:
> How did you found all of that out? Pretty cool.
I used the website below
and searched for the oldest snapshot , fortunately the archives of every sub - topic except Game Analysis was available
Another Fact
Back in old days when Developers or moderators wanted to post anonymously they posted as ' Staff ' nowadays when they post as anonymous they post as ' A Lichess Moderator '
@AayushGhate said in #7:
> Another Fact
> Back in old days when Developers or moderators wanted to post anonymously they posted as ' Staff ' nowadays when they post as anonymous they post as ' A Lichess Moderator '
Yeah that’s more known

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