
Let your anger out

@salmon_rushdie said in #19:
> Now you understand the origination of an angry spirit
I see. When a forum user lets their anger out and a mod closes their account before the anger had had time to come back, that creates an angry spirit, a revenant that comes back to haunt the Lichess forum forever.
@thenceforth said in #21:
> I see. When a forum user lets their anger out and a mod closes their account before the anger had had time to come back, that creates an angry spirit, a revenant that comes back to haunt the Lichess forum forever.
Some of us don't even know what we came from :o
@Skittle-Head said in #7:
> This post has made me mad as hell, and I'm not going to take it anymore ! (Unsubscribe) - :]

That's a great movie "Network". :). Tells a lot of truth.
Well it all started back in 1978, I've been immensely angry ever since. :).
do ya'l hate this post i don't get it ya'll are letting your angry out on this post lol
Have you ever screamed as loud as u can in a place where nobody can hear you? I heard that might be therapeutic or something. I saw that in a Gordon Ramsay episode.
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@Chessking1015056 said in #29:
> gcsihvodvordihfoaerhohaophauvhauhauoivhworhuowvhopvhuowrhvuore that eough

No. That's not enought, it seems weird, but it cannot make me angry

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