
Is Trump finally going down or do we have to suffer much longer?

To everyone..I am neither Republican nor Democrat.I'm not American.That puts me in the position of being able to see this objectively.
Trump is a posturing paltroon who was a figure of fun to the rest of the world prior to him getting a job where his finger is on the red button.That makes it serious.
This thread is NOT about Democrat v Republican.
As @Kanaan92 the whole script instead of ignoring the bits you don't like or comprehend.
Yep at this point people are just dropping in skipping ahead and missing every bit of context. Its a broken record.
And I just want to point out anyone who isn't familiar with @bunyip Outside of this thread really shouldn't judge him he gives the forums a lot of life. Often times I have to remind myself it is okay to disagree strongly about Somthing and still be friendly and somewhat respectful. I am no where near perfect.
I am German... I remember the night Trump was elected. So I changed between American, British and German tv. Emptying a bottle of TALISKER and laughing all the time. Why laughing? Trump-Clinton,oh god. But!!! The faces of the commentators,this mixture of surprize, incredulity, disgust ... getting better the closer Trump got to victory. This can only be topped by the face of Löw, the coach if the German soccerteam, when an opponent scores a goal...
We have another misogynist- Trump worshiper here in the form of @flunder55 .
Flunder equates sitting to urinate with weakness , insignificance and the lack of any possibility of having a worthwhile opinion.
And he hasn't got a clue what this thread is actually about..I'm guessing his attention span severely limits his ability to concentrate long enough to sound out more than a few words in one session,so the task of reading this thread from the beginning is understandably way too daunting a prospect for him to even contemplate.
Danke schon, Herr Flunder55. (That's the extent of my German from many decades ago in junior high school.) You wrote, "The faces of the commentators,this mixture of surprize, incredulity, disgust ... getting better the closer Trump got to victory" and I had to chuckle. I didn't vote for either Trump or Hillary. And just about all the polls showed Hillary winning, so I was quite surprised that she didn't win. It would have been so bad if she did, and it was a Godsend that she didn't.

With regards to the faces of the commentators showing surprise, incredulity, and disgust, I'm wondering if the same kinds of faces erupted again when Brexit won in 2016, and again in December 2019 with PM Boris Johnson.
@bunyip You are so right, I am a simple old man who has problems peeing... I do not equate a man's pissing sitting with weakness ...but with stupidity, utter stupidity. If in public toilets they do not provide a urinal, that is playing power games. If a young man submisses, I don't mind, just stupid. If an old man submisses it is harmful, because sitting he cannot really empty his bladder. Men and women are different.... how ... yes ... manipulated must somebody be not to accept that.
And, yes, Trump is just wonderful.... why ... because he makes me see what a totalitarian lot his opponents are... and if you dont understand .... in my mind Trump is an evil... still a lesser evil than many other people
#418 yes I think the show was even better with Boris johnson. German mainstream media heavily stressed a late opinion poll which showed a small decline of Johnson's lead ... you should have seen the joy on the commentators' faces
@flunder55: " yes I think the show was even better with Boris johnson. ... you should have seen the joy on the commentators' faces."

Ach! I will take your word about their ecstatic joy at the election results. As a side note, I'm a bit sorrowful for what has happened in Germany as a result of Angela Merkel's leadership. I'm not very familiar with Germany, but the little that I've read tells me that things aren't going too well because of Merkel.

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