
Is there any good woman player here ,

This thread is probably the exact reason why any woman interested or good at chess would avoid disclosing their identity like the plague. This isn't exactly a welcoming, non-judgemental thread.

What is interesting, is in a lot of western countries, male children and female children both begin playing chess at a roughly 50/50 ratio. There then appears to be a societal pressure, starting almost immediately on these children, which causes the female players to gradually filter out, until in adults, the ratio of male adults and female adults playing chess becomes something ridiculous like 49/1.

This exact thread is probably evidence of one of those filter events; a somewhat arrogant chauvinistic attitude, with casual sexism thrown in for good measure.

We should be inviting people into this hobby, not labelling them as "other" and casting them out.
And nowhere did I say that they couldn't be - I am simply pointing out that every comment in this thread has been immature, arrogant, chauvinistic, or sexist. Or a combination of them all.
@TheBigDecline #20
Sure, I'll be your valentine.
Our mutual hideousness and homeopathic expectation figures should make for perfect match!
It'll have to be my place, as I'm in the dumpster-diving half of month at present, so I ain't exactly mobile.
See ya soon!
I have some wonderful litchi-scented chlor. You can't smell it for very long of course, but it's the thought that counts, wouldn't you say?
It should be smashing one feels, simply smashing
"Is there any good woman player here ,"
Next line is probably "show bobs and vegana"
I've never heard or seen it being referred to in any other way.
I once knew a woman named Chelsey

Her skin complexion was very healthy

With an ample bosom, and with buttocks so firm

All I wanted was to fill her with sperm

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