
I miss trump

I used to have athletes foot .

I don't miss it .
Ah yes, a former president that has been criminally charged is better than the current president.
@InkyDarkBird said in #5:
> Ah yes, a former president that has been criminally charged is better than the current president.
I actually still out-of-the-loop as to what he's been criminally charged with. Doesn't he also have a level of diplomatic immunity (because he was a former President) that his opponents are conveniently ignoring?
Trump kept things interesting and shook up the establishment. He was an outsider that proposed a real shakeup. That's why his opponents want him gone and gone and gone so bad.
@InkyDarkBird said in #9:
> Yeah he sure shook things up.

Even an outsider like me can tell that crediting that to Trump is BS.

All that broadlight robbery that doesnt get prosecuted, car theft, drug use on the rise, illegal immigration condoned, debt on the rise, etc, are consequence for voting left over right.

Of course people are going to try to prevent that, specially if fraud is involved.|
Im not saying there was one, but the current system, where you dont even need an ID, (which the left refuses to make it mandatory) nor show yourself to vote in person, where your vote doesnt go towards whoever you wanted to, but rather a middleman that hopefully will vote for your choosing looks very exploitable to me.
So yeah, I think people can react violently when their will is negated and stolen. Or if they think it is, which they should, due to the bad electoral system that exists.
Certainly I am too. He was much better.
Had he been the President, he would have tried strongly everything in order to oppose the Russian invasion of Ukraine and help the Ukraine in their crisis.

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