
I have created a free and open source online backgammon server

@rocketnine said in #1:
> is a free and open source online backgammon server. I launched it a few weeks ago and have been implementing feedback from the community ever since. Give it a try and let me know what you think.
> Join the Discord/Matrix/IRC community at
> The source code for the server is available at
> The source code for the client is available at
Wow, nice! I wish I knew to play it.
Backgammon in an amazing game with a history that goes back to ancient Egypt. One of my favourite games along with Chess.

Excellent to see source code is available!
@fa123fa said in #5:
> Backgammon in an amazing game with a history that goes back to ancient Egypt. One of my favourite games along with Chess.
> Excellent to see source code is available!
Is it derived from Senet? I like senet a lot
Nice, tried some games both in F-Droid app and browser. I'm missing a lot of QoL features at this point, but graphically the basis looks super solid.

I understand it's still in development, but maybe my experience is useful. From the games I played I missed these features most:
- resign option(s)
- cube play
- double click on a piece to move without dragging (high roll first, lower roll second)
- spectating ongoing matches (maybe I overlooked it)

Every year I try to remember watching the Backgammon World Championship. This year Frank Frigo from the USA won; very interesting match. You can learn a lot from these matches, also because they are commented on by former world champs.

Also backgammon engines have a long and interesting history of contributions to AI development.
@salmon_rushdie said in #6:
> I like senet a lot

I entered senet into duckduckgo video search to learn more. The first hit is an introduction to the board game, but most of the results are right-wing videos about "senate" debates, which is probably because that's how many right-wingers spell the word senate.
Oh Oh Oh I long ago PLAYED a lot on backgammonn on windows XP during MY University( 16 years Ago) xD that was so FUN, I wonder if there it will be the Same. Thx for Nostalgy, I also watch backgammonon on TV in Russia
@salmon_rushdie said in #6:
> Is it derived from Senet? I like senet a lot

It is! Both Senet and Backgammon (and Irish, Tric-Trac, Thumbnail for Ludus duodecim scriptorum
Ludus duodecim scriptorum, τάβλι) are all games in the in the category of “race games”.

Learn Backgammon from a book and you will enjoy it immensely. Bonus points if you play live, the sound of the dice shaking in the cup and the tactice feeling of checkers is amazing!

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