
I don't know what is happening to me.

I am feeling something that @ultramuddish felt, kinda depressed (but not really). I don't know why but I am not feeling very good. Could it be that my lunch was only veggies? Could it be that Palpatine taking me to the Dark side? I am not liking books, or Star Wars much (I am the #1 fan of Star Wars, just look at my profile and the earlier Palpatine reference). What can I do? Thanks in advance, and may the force by with you.
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@Riko2020_chess. If you aren't feeling good then you should talk with a trusted friend or family member. I myself have depression and I often feel much better when I talk to others about it. It could just be your launch. But if you are in any way feeling depressed or just not good and not sure how to describe it than that is not a joke or something to ignore. You should talk with someone about it. And if you aren't sure what to say or do then let them know that. And they will most likely be more understanding. I hope you don't feel that bad. And if you do then I hope you will get better. Regards-shadow.
Jar Jar Binks singelhandedly killed off the Star Wars franchise, sucks to be you, but you'll get over it, we all did.

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