
I am sure these two things are completely unelated.....

--- Former President Trump stores top secret documents that contain detailed information about how the USA and it's allies keeps tabs on terrorist organizations such as Hamas at his golf resort.

--- Hamas figures out what it needs to do to avoid detection in planning from USA and it's allies.
@thence said in #2:
> I'm not elated by what you're saying.

Well I'm not seeing what he/she is saying and I can tell you it makes feel happy. ;-)
Now politics makes a man gleefully see a ghost under every bed.

You might also consider recent funding to Hamas and Iran. If you wish to see yet another ghost.

Or ask yourself who else, besides Trump, also had boxes of classified documents, that he did NOT take while president, scattered all over the place, in several much less secure places.

If one looks for ghosts, hoping to find them, one can always find them.

It's best to stop looking for ghosts and concentrate on what we actually know.
I cannot rule out a connection? I've seen no connection. I've only seen a political daydream expressed. What REAL evidence connects documents locked in mir a lago with Hamas terrorists? What SCINTILLA of evidence links them?

Please tell me. I'll listen.

But it doesn't matter, does it ....

Soon roughly a third of the country will be telling us how "we" know or "everybody" knows that the attack on Israel is probably Trump's fault because, there's, like, "a connection" (n'stuff).

It is simply unfair to toss at others wild conjectures based on no -- I mean NO -- evidence.

But these days it's all too typical. Darn it! (Can we say "darn" here?)
Can’t prove there is a connection. Can’t prove there isn’t a connection.

What is undeniable is that Trump has compromised security to the point that it is completely plausible that Trump is responsible. Doesn’t mean he was responsible, but his behavior was so egregious that it is very plausible.

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