
Frequently Asked Qs : Part 2

1. Is pineapple on pizza good?
2.How do I make friends online?
3.Is Lichess supporting Russia?
4. What would you do if <situation> arises?
5. Where's the queen? Is it in another castle?
6.Is anime good to watch?
7. Why is spam so common?
8. Which language is the most beautiful/hardest/easiest etc. ?
9. What is 2+2?
10. Am I the best?
1. I never ate
2. Beg them to be friends
3. Nope putin bad lol
4. Idk
5. Yes
6. Depends on you
7. Because you can eat it
8. I think hard is chinese and easy english and beautiful english
9. I'd say 4, but if its incorrect, then it will be 5
10. 'Am i the best?' Yes.
1. Depends on who you ask. eg. If you ask me, I will tell you "Depends on who you ask".
2. "The only way to have a friend is to be one." A quote.
3. Obviously not.
4. Depends on what happened.
5. When Eric Rosen calls her, she will be replaced with another one (by promotion or rematch).
6. Depends on who you ask.
7. I can't give you a concrete answer. Ask maybe to Obladie, he catches a lot of them a day and will probably say this is spam.
8. By order in my opinion: Arabic, Chinese, Spanish etc.
9. 22, of course!
10. If you ask somebody this question, he will answer "No, I am", because we think we're the best to boost our selfishness.
1. What your favrit color
2. What your favorite number
3. What youre favorite sport
5. What your favourite teacher
6. Lichess or chesscom
7. What's your favourite opening
8. What is your favorite fruit say now
9. What is your fav car
10. Messi or Ronaldo?

(bet you thought I forgot that one)
@obladie said in #4:
> 1. What your favrit color
> 2. What your favorite number
> 3. What youre favorite sport
> 5. What your favourite teacher
> 6. Lichess or chesscom
> 7. What's your favourite opening
> 8. What is your favorite fruit say now
> 9. What is your fav car
> 10. Messi or Ronaldo?
> (bet you thought I forgot that one)

1. It's pointless to have a favorite color. What's surprising about liking Cyan?
2. Footnote to 1.
3. Lazying.
5. So you treat teachers as objects (what)?
6. Lichess.
7. Modern Scandi.
8. Apple.
9. My feet.
10. Mahrez.
1. How would you fit inside a horse
2. How would you fit inside a snail
3. How would you fit inside a donkey
4. How would you fit inside a mule
5. How would you fit inside a deer
6. How would you fit inside a jackal
7. How would you fit inside a moose
8. How would you fit inside a teapot
9. How would you fit inside a yamaca
10. How would you fit inside a bishop
11. How would you fit inside a frog
12. How would you fit inside a pokemon
13. How would you fit inside a pizza
14. How would you fit inside a elephant
15. How would you fit inside a rhino
16. How would you fit inside a ice cream
17. How would you fit inside a shark
18. How would you fit inside a fish
19. How would you fit inside a clam
20. How would you fit inside a tugboat
@WassimBerbar said in #5:
> 1. It's pointless to have a favorite color. What's surprising about liking Cyan?
> 2. Footnote to 1.
> 3. Lazying.
> 5. So you treat teachers as objects (what)?
> 6. Lichess.
> 7. Modern Scandi.
> 8. Apple.
> 9. My feet.
> 10. Mahrez.

Congratulations... you totally failed to get the point of this thread 100% of the time.
Btw...I know much more about colour than you do...yellow, cyan and magenta are the prime colours.
There is additive colour and subtractive colour.
Fluorescent pigments are like that because their electrons are pushed into a higher energy-state by photons, and release that energy as enhanced light in their specific wavelength.
Cyan is not a proper noun..only needs capitalisation when it starts a sentence.

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