
Freedoom of expression

@Noflaps said in #60:
> representation of Marx, Lenin and anarchy
Obviously you don't understand the difference between "representation of Marxism-Leninism (resp. Anarchism)" and "analysis of the current events from a Marxist-Leninist (resp. Anarchist) perspective".
@Noflaps said in #60:
> anarchy, at least, had gotten a great deal of press over the last three years
What you are referring to has absolutely nothing to do with Proudhon's (and other intellectuals) notion of Anarchy. Do yourself a favour, and read about it before conflating two concepts which bear nothing in common but the name.
You are apparently very learned, @Bobby-the-kid. I hope that brings good things to you!

I do not trouble myself with the various flavors of anarchy. Admittedly, I am no connoisseur.

Should it become important to me to pick and choose between sorts of anarchy, I will now know where to turn for advice! I confess, though, that I see no great value in anarchy. But I cannot speak for everyone, clearly.

You remind me of somebody. It will come to me. Somebody I admire, I'm sure.
@Noflaps said in #62:
> I confess, though, that I see no great value in anarchy.
And I probably don't see gret value in the kind of ideas you would want to see more in the medias.

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