
Flat Earthers

@A_0123456 if people want to continue to discuss a topic then they are free to do so. If you do not want to be a part of the discussion, no one is forcing you. You can unsubscribe and be done with it. Your self imposed desire to decide when and how a thread ends is telling of you. If you will schedule an appointment with your physician he can prescribe medication to help with that issue.

You are dismissed my child.
@A_0123456 That, my friend, is where you are incorrect. Very very seldom do I use the word troll. You do happen to be one of those very seldom times that I use the word though as I feel it describes you appropriately. Also, I am not alone in that belief.

Nice attempt at changing the subject, but, you failed. Try harder my child, you CAN Succeed.
@OneDummHikk It is so easy to assume that you call everything as a troll looking at the fact that you call android vs iphone a troll. That is clearly inappropriate to call that forum or me in that forum a troll, so therefore, you are wrong in at least 1 aspect.
You are, perhaps, the only person on this planet who can say "You said it once, so that means you do it all the time". Do you not speak English as your native language? If you don't then it might tend to explain your inability to understand and comprehend what I write. You should try to understand what you are reading prior to replying to it, it will prevent you from having to remove your foot from your mouth so often.

As for your claim about me using the word troll, perhaps you can attempt to prove me wrong and show me the posts where I have used that word to describe someone and then compare it to my total number of posts.

Now, keep changing the subject because you can't seem to carry on a conversation without doing so. Hint: That is a sign of a troll.
@OneDummHikk And the only reason I tried to change the subject back there was because people were saying the same stuff all over again and making the forum boring. So, I tried to change that. Sadly, you dont understand that and instead start complaining without context.
There you go again. I guess you couldn't disagree with what I said so you changed the subject again. Troll sign #1. If you can't be a part of the conversation, change the subject. You are beginning to bore me.

Can you at least attempt to try to stay on topic, or, is that the only thing you know how to do is to avoid the conversation and changing the subject in some sort of failed attempt at controlling the conversation? As I said before, you doctor can prescribe medication to help you with that control issue you have.
@OneDummHikk There is no point in talking to you because you just fail to understand what I say and say that I need to go to the doctor. Looks like you are the one who needs to go to the doctor.

Now, enough of this.
LOL, coming from you, who can't stay on topic to save your life, that's hilarious. Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery and you are flattering the crap out of me. Keep trying my child, keep trying.

Now, in your classic trolling style, don't reply to what I said, change the subject in an attempt to stay in control of the conversation.

Your move.

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