
favorite pokémon

Strongest Pokémon ever but Pikachu is a cute mouse. But you don't want this cute loyal mouse zapping you.
Avalugg because with the 4 abilities. Snowscape (gives 1.5x defense for an ice type), Body press (defense based attack), iron defense (x2 defense) and recover (restore 50% of hp in 1 turn). And the ability Icebody (heals 1/16 hp in snowscape) with leftovers (heals 1/16 at end of each turn) and Avaluggs stats 405 def and 305 health points. 5.5 x 405 = 2227.5 defense. +2/16 hp regen makes him tanky and strong. Wait... This is pokemon right? Just a bit more detailed.
Your Mom Card. HP:250 Damage:200
Search up "ur mom Pokemon card" go to images

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