
Everyone that voted for Joe Biden caused the Ukraine war.

It wouldn't have even happened under Trump.
This is bullshit. Sorry, that I do not call you an idiot.
People exist who believe this sort of thing lmao - Trump would've allowed the whole thing. And there would still be war - but probably a much more desperate uglier one without the west's support.
People are dying every day because of that stupid Kremlin decision. Have some respect.
@salmon_rushdie said in #4:
> People exist who believe this sort of thing lmao
Tbh I don't think the OP believes in anything they write.
Putin already invaded and seized Crimea back in 2014 , then spent years orchestrating uprisings to create an excuse to take the rest of the Ukraine and install his puppet leader.

His complete failure to understand the desire of the Ukrainian people to remain free from Russian dictatorial control ( as during the Soviet era ) and his disregard of the available evidence of poor training and lackluster moral of Russian troops show he was not listening to advisors and would have invaded regardless of the Presidency of The United States.

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