
Do you believe in god or are you an atheist ?


A huge amount of matter was contained in a very small space. When, the pressure crossed it's limit, the matter expanded (actually there was a small explosion, but the common misconception is that there was a big explosion), and all the gas, dust, matter, dark-matter etc. combined to form celestial bodies.
I do believe in God/s. 1 Year ago, I used to practice Jainism just because my mother used to tell me to do so. 11 months ago, it was lockdown and I literally have nothing to do with, so, I started reading 2 holy books: Bhagvad Gita and Swami Vivekananda (You might not think Swami Vivekananda is holy book or not, but I do) and both of them brought somewhat purity in me for sure.

And, since I got to know that Swami Vivekananda actually existed, I started trusting in Gods.

Moreover, I read Percy Jackson: The Lighting Thief a month ago. Now, I *do* understand that's just impossible, but it moved me a lot towards good deed.

The point should actually be- It doesn't matter if you believe in Gods or not. What matters should be that, if you think of them, do they provide any help to you? Do you feel fresh? Do you try to be a better human, even towards your enemy? Well, it does to me.
Ever heard about centre of gravity ? It explains all about the huge rock , it is not necessary that COG exists exactly at centre of a body it may even be beyond the physical structure of the body , Remember science is why you exist and it can explain everything
To believe or to not is one's opinion and I respect your opinion but could you please explain how the rock doesn't work according to COG ? just to explain your downvote
@AayushGhate just a simple question can you explain if god exicts or not with science can you explain how many temples in india were built at that time (Which Cant be built today) when there was not so many facilities with science i dont agree scienvve explains everythng though i respect your oponion
Science accepts the terms which can be proved mathematically or at least has a visual proof , talking about the building of temples its just a skill which could not pass on to today's generation
It is already proved , there is no genuine eye witness which can prove god , there isn't phenomenon which can be stated as godly because everything is provable by science

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