
do u like coffee or tea more?

@IveBeatenTal said in #33:
> i thought u like honey..but i was wrong :(
I like nectar not honey
I also like ice lemon tea(It is somehow made of nectar)
@natbee56 said in #34:
> oi
> I like nectar not honey
> I also like ice lemon tea(It is somehow made of nectar)
When they ask me if i want milk or lemon in my tea.. I say: "why not both?"
A day without coffee is like my YouTube Channel deleted
The wind turns fierce, roars in my ears
The waters turn into a huge tsunami
The ground shakes like there's no tomorrow
The sun blasts itself and the world is about to collapse
Thibault is trying to turn the earth back to what it was
The mods are working hard too

And when I get coffee?

Yeah, just rewind all of that
It was a sunny morning and I was sipping the usual and play myself just a LITTLE(5 hours is little) bit o' Valorant
So now you know what a day without coffee is like for gamers

Or gFuel or even DrPepper for that matter
I barely drink but I love coffee especially to wake me up early

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