
David Icke - Truth talker, paranoid schizophrenic or conman?

well it would if you gotst to sit on one of the pointy bits. jazz sayin.
Keep saying something bad is going to happen and you'll eventually be right.

If I didn't know any better, I'd say this man is a paranoid schizophrenic.
You'd better believe it.
Except that what you call "paranoid" inside of me is "dementia" inside of you.
lol ive spent the last 4 days in psychiatric hospital (since thursday) what did i learn? they cant nail u to something if u got it right...well better continue drinking and fulfilling my mission...conquering the world!
Did he really talk for 9 hours straight? I'm of course not going to watch it, but skimming through the the thumbnails it looks like he's wearing the same shirt throughout. If so, I don't even care what craziness he has to say, I'm impressed :-)

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