
Classified information

First Trump then Biden and now Pence.

What do you think? Will anyone be held accountable?
Yes,I realize the cases are different but still it seems incomprehensible that people at such high levels would behave so irresponsibly.
Their public exposure is part of being held accountable. What else is going to happen to them? Jail? Is what they did even criminal?

I doubt much will come from all this except that politically-minded people will argue over it for a while until the next big thing happens. Personally, I don't care what they have (as far as documents go). If they find a basement full of dead bodies or an attic full of black tar heroin then that's different.
#4 I will modify it to: "No one will be held accountable. It's politics - everyone should care but nobody should expect anything."
from an opinion piece in WaPo:

>In 2012, records were classified at a rate of 3 per second, making for an estimated 95 million classifications that year alone

Maybe it's not surprising if we find some of these everywhere. One would think most of these docs are insignificant.

>Most presidents come to office promising to open up government secrets. Yet once they get into office, they prefer the cozy system that keeps their actions hidden from public scrutiny and assessment.

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