
Chess Variants

@morphyms1817, Lichess is a very nice website and I'm sure any kind of chess would look very nice here. There is one website solely dedicated to playing chess variants ad you can play Courier chess there, although it's not so good as Lichess.

Courier chess is very complex and not good for short plays. I think only chess masters (2500+) would consider paying it.
@ChessMental indeed it sounds most complex. I have some curiosity about adding squares to the regular 64. Now adding in 3 unique pieces...that is a lot.

Maybe I will have a go at it in the future, if I I can dedicate more time.
What i find odd is that strong chess players seem to avoid more complex forms of chess, kinda wussy behavior.

" Rarely anyone is interested in playing variants with/without fairy chess OTB because usually classical chess is always on the agenda. Do you have similar bad experiences when attempting to ask for opponents for variant chess with or without fairy pieces in clubs. Unfortunately there is little attention given to variants OTB other than Chess960, Bughouse. "

" Archbishop and Chancellor is simple fairy pieces to get used to, yet so many refrain and show opposition to anything other than normal chess set. Variants with fairy pieces is fun and exciting. It's hard to find opponents. That's my experirence. "

" More generally, chess has more support than any of its variants.

That includes active players, as well as writing on any particular variant. At best there are a few fairy puzzles, but almost never an engine for variants. "

" I agree, there's a whole world of fun possibilities out there, but we all somehow stay in the most developed part. It's like never leaving your home town of New York or London. "

" Yeah I understand both sides of it. Hard to get sponsors and even players interested if the audience is niche. Luckily computing/internet is making it easier to experiment with different things. As long as it didn’t take me long to learn the new rules, I’d love to see GMs battle it out with all kinds of different rules/pieces. "

My research/experience -> Variant chess is a internet thing for the most part. Nuff said.
"chess variants are not actually chess"

In reality western/FIDE chess is only a variant of Xiangqi for Chinese just a variant of Shogi for japanese just a variant of Makruk for Thai. It is only a special starting position in chess960. Chess is a variant itself.

"Why people do not play chess variants so often? Since when are chess variants no longer interesting to the majority of chess players?"

Why people don't play exotic musical instruments so often? Why playing on exotic musical instruments no longer interesting for piano players?

Most football(=soccer) player do not play other ball game variants (volleyball/handball/waterball) so often.

Some game/instrument/sport variants are more popular than others.
Creating a new game/sport/instrument/etc. and making it popular needs several things. First of all lots of dedicated people who are doing the hard work, lots of time, and finally money and more money. Without money there will be no big events, big names, big media hype. I can imagine if Rex Sinquefield put same amount of money to S-Chess as he put to FIDE chess, S-Chess will be more popular and top GMs will play it more :)

Until then everyone should watch
and try
@NaturalBornTraveller Here is a picture I found of MVL playing a double match of Shogi (Japanese chess) and Western chess with Shogi Master Yoshiharu Habu. The two game match was split with each player winning their specialization.

Just a minute, trying to paste the image

I'm having difficulty pasteing the image, I can paste the link but not the image. Can someone help me?

Red Fool Chess features a semi-autonomous knight belonging to neither army: the "red fool" ("RF").

The RF is a coward, a mercenary and an assassin who attacks both sides. This version of chess offers a lot more dynamics than the traditional game, modified openings, and some potentially very complex strategy when two moves at once are possible and sometimes unavoidable. Even the larger board is interesting, making the game less of a battle and more of a prolonged War. A semi autonomous piece that is neither black nor white requires very complex and often subtle strategies, a whole new dimension to the game. It can be a bit like billiards, with the crazy knight careening about sometimes in a manner hard to predict from a quick analysis of the board.

The only non standard piece is the Red Fool, which moves like a knight with the restrictions below.

The RF can only move if threatened. It has a limited choice of moves: it will always move to a safe (empty or undefended) square if it can. Player whose turn it is can choose from multiple safe squares. With no safe move, the RF will always attack the lowest value piece first. Player whose move it is decides from multiple lowest equal value piece attacks. The RF can attack either side, and you can lose your own pieces from it on your own move. The RF can not attack a piece that is protected. If the RF has no move, it does not move. It can not be removed from the board.

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