
Cheating speaks for itself.

Aw, yes I am a very special human being, thank you for noticing UwU.
You are getting immaculate snowflake juice all over the forum, Pxj. Fix it or I'm getting a lawyer...(humans. gotta love 'em!)
@yahgoled said in #12:
> You are getting immaculate snowflake juice all over the forum, Pxj. Fix it or I'm getting a lawyer...(humans. gotta love 'em!)
I know you love when I spread my juice, don't you?
if i were lichess, i would open my arms wide for neiman if he wants to join this platform.
neiman confessed he did a bad deed in his childhood, & the fact that, he knows cheating is bad & not denying it surprised me.
those kind of people should not be shuttered, they are self aware & can become a very good dweller here.
all the best for neiman, & no chess player should be deprived by silly accusations especially by the arrogant and fanatical class type of players. who on earth you think you are!!
could someone explain me why lichess wrote to a frineds account that he is violates the terms of use?
@PxJ said in #7 as a respons to #5
> ... by the same logic there is a lot of corruption in Ukraine so it's ok to kill, rape and torture Ukrainian civilians.
What!? No. This logic isn't the same in anyway.
What correlation is there between publicly accusing someone of cheating without evidence, and simultaneously shaming their hairstyle. To for example the crimes of murder, rape and torture?

All those things above are bad, but not in anyway on the same level.
Different crimes doesn't deserves the same penalty. So where is the similarity? Where is the logic in your comparison?

By using your analogy:
If you were a prosecutor, you would want capital punishment for anyone, who doubled parked on a handicap space.
@NaturalBornTraveller some people think because Hans Niemann is socially awkward and goofy, it is ok to publicly slander him with cheating accusations.

Some people (and some of those are the same) think because Ukraine has corruption it is ok to invade it and carry out war crimes against him.

In both case we have a situation where someone who objectively has some (relatively minor) flaws is completely denied the right to any human decency because of these flaws. The though process is the same though the proportions are obviously very different.

@NaturalBornTraveller said in #19:
> If you were a prosecutor, you would want capital punishment for anyone, who doubled parked on a handicap space.
That's exactly what I am mocking. You are obviously sensitive to sarcasm, are you?
"Cheating speaks for itself"

That's true.
When I cheat I don't have anyone announce it for me.
I proudly tell everyone out loud all by myself!

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