
big wolf spiders in my basement

saw a large wolf spider at my feet in a warm, humid part of my basement. This is the time of Fall when the crickets seek the heat, and the spiders follow. Having one of these big leggy hairy black things run across you while on the sofa is not cool. :-\

So I dropped a 1 gal plastic bottle of liquid on it, and told my wife "I GOT it".

Next day same big arse spider on the floor in the morning nearby. Swatted it (sorry its my house and the spider on the bare leg thing). OK so a spider can escape an object falling directly overhead at 1G because, duh, they survived stuff falling on them millions of years. So it got away from the falling jug.

Go to move the jug, huge smashed spider there too. Agggg. So big each of the two pieces looks like a big spider. Plus the first one, when dropped into the rubbish can, made a NOISE when it hit. That is a big spider.

What should I do?
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How big is wolf spider? I'd look it up, but I don't even want to see pics of spiders.
its wolf spiders - I looked it up. they don't live indoors, prefer leaf litter outside the basement window, they come inside at night to hunt insects and humans.
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I bet its a house spider, and I'm speaking of spiders. I'm hungry. I would really love to try some roasted spiders.
Are you OK with burning down your own house ?

If so, then you should right away ...
Speaking of wolf spiders, Spider silk is great material and hard to harvest if your'r not a spider. So they spliced spider DNA into a goat to harvest silk from the new spider-goat's milk. So far so good. Some smart guy thought it was a good idea to Spider up a wolf but that back-fired somewhat. So if you look out your door and see a giant spider moving aggressively toward you like a wolf go back inside. It's a new era of wolf spiders.

That is a true story. -Spider Man
I'm afraid Spider Man is right.

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