
Best Rickroll Links

My final caution to everyone on this site:
Rickrolling is a form of trolling-- the humor in rickrolling derives from the schadenfreude caused by tricking someone into watching something that they'd rather not see. As trolling, it is prohibited by lichess ToS. You are not allowed to rickroll.

As something that I used to find annoying, but now find utterly repulsive, I have begun reporting rickrolls (Not out of malice or a feeling of authority; reporting is the only way I can stop myself from telling people to "fuck off", &c.) , and have already received quite a few notifications that mods have taken action based on my reports.

If you don't want to get banned, don't troll.
Yeah, rickrolling on the forums has gotten quite old. I rarely, if ever, do it (the only times I do it is when someone tries to troll me or troll on the forums, and that too, not too often).

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