
Are you allowed to talk about politics or religions in off-topic?

You are, as long as the topics do not devolve into vicious attacks on others' statements.
(which happens quite often)
It's discouraged but permitted.
I'm yet to see such a post that did not degenerate into arguement, opinion and insult.
@Dukedog said in #3:
> It's discouraged but permitted.
> I'm yet to see such a post that did not degenerate into arguement, opinion and insult.

Same result for threads with vegetarianism or even better on veganism. ;-)
Everyone has their own Opinion, their own point of view, their own background.
And of course we want to be right - we want to defend our position with arguments and theories.
But seomtimes we can't have a nice conversation - either one side is to narrow-minded and does not take in the ideas by the other side (changing one's view is hard, changing one's position on a specific point is even harder sometimes) or one side has not prepared any valid arguments and starts insulting the other side - which in turn provokes the other side to stop any logical approach and start insulting as well. You see, we are all humans - and making mistakes plays a big part in being human.
I believe if you remove all the people who satisfy at least one of the following, it would be possible to have a mostly peaceful and polite (although possibly heated, which doesn't contradict the previous) debate:
1) only there to win the argument,
2) just wants a good fight,
3) can't stand their opinions being opposed,
4) so sure they're right that they don't even listen to the other person's argument,
5) unable to admit being wrong,
6) unable to admit not understanding something
7) unable to admit not knowing something.
@bfchessguy said in #4:
> Same result for threads with vegetarianism or even better on veganism. ;-)

And of course that old fav...pineapple on pizza.
@obladie said in #7:
> And of course that old fav...pineapple on pizza.

Mama mia! Please Respect The Pizza!
Pineapple on pizza.
What a politically incorrect heresy.
@Dukedog said in #9:
> Pineapple on pizza.
> What a politically incorrect heresy.

There is a secret society called "Pineapple On Our Pizza". (P.O.O.P)

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