
Arab–Israeli conflict

Hello chess lovers.
Today, I have played a man from Morocco. We also talked about Israel ("where are you from.." the usual). (I'm Israeli, Jewish, religious). It seem that, the average Arabic person, is convinced that Israel is a state that abuse \ oppress Arabic women & children \ the Palestein people. He's not pretending to believe that, he Actually believe that.. Well, that's terrible, it makes both Jews and Arabs feel bad, then they play on the server. I assume they should read This:

I assume it's objective - most Wikipedia English articles aren't written by Jews or by Arabs, probably by Americans..

I have no idea how to solve such complex conflict... I'm a civilian from the Galilee. For short, we live with Arabs, we have our villages, they have theirs, sometimes the (Israeli) news tells about a terror attack, and sometimes about a military operation. We just live regularly here.. The Druze are willingly recruited to the Israeli Army - they have a special infantry unit - Kherev - "Sword".

Since Israel was erected, the world changed - The Christian world stopped hating us, and the Arab/Muslim world started to hate... In the exile, I was told it was opposite.

And by the way, everyone should know, the 6 day war was a Miracle ! I say that because I met (on Lichess) a man from Egypt, and when I told I'm Israeli, he got silenced, and then told me Egypt is strong (As if I thought, that Egypt was weak... Egypt was the first empire... so I told him Egypt is strong, and so is he - in chess, and he felt better.)

Yes, sometimes there Are miracles. The Jews winning against Egypt + 2 other countries... in 6 days??? Nature way, they should have lost in 6 minutes... They almost died from the panic, I live here, I know.
G-d himself is comparing the Jews, to a worm.. - a creature with only a mouth, not hands and legs...

"Do not be afraid, you worm Jacob,
little Israel, do not fear,
for I myself will help you,” declares the Lord,
your Redeemer, the Holy One of Israel."

Isaiah 41:14

Every Israeli that believe we won the war becuase... stronger, more rightful \ just, smarter, more co-ordinated, or someone that said - "because we knew that if we lost, we would be doomed...", so the worm was fighting much stronger - otherwise it would be doomed... That's the problem with secularity... - they Cancel G-d's interference... reaching dumb conclutions.

"Five of you will chase a hundred, and a hundred of you will chase ten thousand, and your enemies will fall by the sword before you." Leviticus 26:8

But, War is terrible, and we're all better without it. Of course.

Thank G-d !

P.S. We all have work the same G-d.

Israel was created by the victors of WWII in order to highlight the existence of the Holocaust in order to highlight the criminality of Germans while deflecting any antisemitism on the part of the Soviets, the French, the Italians ( who surrendered to the Americans), or the United States (who were fanatically Antisemitic during the war but seemed to have had a lapse in memory in the days following the war because it seemed to amuse Americans to saturate Germany with the sins of the whole world regarding the jewish question.)

Anyway....Israel gets created mostly just to spite Germany with required reparations from Germany to be paid to this newly created "Jewish State" until 2010. Furthermore, the land didn't come from Germany, or the United States, or really any country of relevance....the territory came primarily from Palestine (which was Nazi sympathetic) in order to punish any country that wasn't in love wholeheartedly with the outcome of WWII. Plus, the USA gives nowadays almost one half of 1% of their entire GDP to Israel which uses the CHARITY for military self-defense.....

So.....where does that leave us, my Jewish friend?....well....don't be surprised if Arabs and Muslims are a little upset at the current situation. It's best not to pretend that the situation is fair and upstanding. Just accept it and in about 150 to 200 years there will be a new generation of Arabs that will most likely be on very friendly terms with Israel. These kinds of situations just take time.

I am very much pro Israel, but I don't live in a fantasy world in which I pretend that I can't understand the other side of the political spectrum.
When I was young, about 22, I came up with the best solution. All palestinians get 100000 sqm. of russia and the Isreali get 100000 sqm. of Canada. Only real way kind of thinking. Always got a few laughs when I brought it up.
It was just such a...
Dumb idea. What happens today's simply much more something. Realistic.
When the Messiah will come, there will be no wars, at all (one king to all nations, so no need in wars). But... The year is 5780 to the creation, so, there are 220 more years until it's certain. Sorry, he can come earlier - depends on how the Jews behave in general (in observing the commentmants - the oral law)... I'm religious - I'm doing my part...
The Messiah already came....his name was Jesus Christ and he was crucified. Now, we have the gift of the Holy Spirit and when the Messiah comes AGAIN we will most likely have a 1,000 years of peace. But....I believe we Christians must stand vigilantly with Israel and with all Jews for it is written in scripture: Genesis 12:3 “I will bless those who bless you (Israel).”
I love the Bible... all the death and genocide and child killing. A moral light in this world!

I don't think you quite grasp the "light" of scripture. That's like looking at the history of the United States and getting a mental/and or spiritual boner whenever you read about segregation, oppression of women and minorities, or the extermination of 9 million native americans at the hands of white settlers!
I don't think women were ever oppressed in America. They were protected, possessed and given a different role but they also OCCUPIED that different role. Definitely different times.

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