
Anyone got some eloquent insults.

You are so ugly and stupid that only your mother likes you! Your father disowns you.
@TakeThePawnOrLose said in #1:
> I am looking for some poetic means of insulting people. Got some suggestions.
> Here are my best so far:
> You are so stupid that the navy forcefully kept you at bay/ to make so laugh on Sunday, I must tell the joke on Wednesday.
> You are so ugly that the cops gave your parents a warning/ You are nothing more than the personification of a Monday morning.
> We couldn't bear you so we told the principal to expel us/ You are so fake that you make Barbie jealous.
> Roses are red/ Violets are blue/ God made me pretty/ What happened with you?
> Every time I'm near you, I smell a disgusting aroma/ Why don't you slip into something more comfortable such as a coma.
> Why don't you go someplace really far/ You are so stupid that you can't count how old you are.
> I hope you are suffering from a really bad cough/ If your brain was dynamite, it wouldn't even blow your hat off.
> As a child, you must have been thrown from the sky/ You are so annoying that you made Happy Meals cry.
> Your face is almost as bad as a song by Kanye/ You are just like a cloud/ without you it's a beautiful day.
> I am starting to wonder if you ever grew/ I have forgotten more stuff than you ever knew.
> Your reputation as an idiot has already been cemented/ You might just be the reason the middle finger was invented.
> Everyone you meet deserves an apology/ People like you are why I hate biology.
> I know we have had quite a strife/ But I really can't wait for the day you go really far in life.

Why not save yourself time and just post the link to the book you are copypastaing from.
@obladie You don't mean to sound in an arrogant way, did you? I have a better insult for a conceited person! "You are so smart that everyone doesn't even wanna hear about your opinionated heart! Maybe you can shove your opinion right to your asshole like a good boy! He sure would enjoy that!
@obladie I dedicate this poem to you.

Oh my dear clown,
Every time I see you in forums, my face has a frown.
When you were born your parents wished you would drown
Every time you go somewhere, the people wish you would leave the town.

If I wanted to die I would climb your ego and jump to you IQ,
Why don't the simplest of things strike you?
Why do you never take your cue?
Why do you think no one likes you?

You are nothing more than your parents blunder,
What is the purpose of your existence, don't you ever wonder.
The world wishes you get struck by thunder,
You resemble the aftermath of a plunder.

Are you the result of a chemical reaction
No action just dissatisfaction.
You are the denominator of zero in a fraction
They'll find nothing performing your brain extraction.

You must have been hit by a truck
Perhaps lightning-struck.
Your survival is a stroke of luck,
but you are just a sitting duck.
@george_mcgeorge said in #8:
> Pretty sure that every person is "a random individual", after all we are all supposed to be an individual...
> Nah, the problem I guess you're referring to is that you ignoring the persons insult could be confused with giving up. And there are some people who think that no reaction literally means that the conversation is over. But I am actually trying to say (not saying it, apparently) that one should appear not affected (not care and ignore the insult) and carry on, with what you're doing. If the person is insulting you often, then just ignore it - normally this will bore the person and thus the random individual will stop sooner or later - after all, why would you invest your precious time to insult someone who - dare I say it - literally doesn't care?
You are right, but what is I want to retaliate.
You are so cute that I could simply eat you up, with fry sauce and a dingo's smile:)
@salmon_rushdie said in #19:
> You are so cute that I could simply eat you up, with fry sauce and a dingo's smile:)
Again, not really eloquent or poetic. Look at #15 if you want to know what I am looking for.

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