
Any anime fans ?

I'm an anime fan and just wanted to see if there are any other anime fans and what anime they like . some of my favourite anime are Attack On Titan , Death Note , Jujutsu Kaisen and a lot more . what's yours ?
I don’t really care for anime. Their voices are weird and annoying, the scenarios kind of bore me, and it's sexualized to a fucked-up extent. The industry skews heavily towards a bad demographic of losers. Not to mention that it promotes infantilism and paedophilia. I'm not telling that anime as a whole sucks. There's an infinite set of subgenres, and I agree. But, what's leaving me vexed is the fact that most of my close friends have turned into weebs due to anime and they only talk bout that shit. They're like, HEYY I HAVE THIS ANIME PFP I WATCH ANIMEEE UWU HGAJSKAAKAJAHSNSN.
<Comment deleted by user>

I like Anime.

My favourite Anime is Erased.



If you don't like someone's post, don't respond to it.

You see, that doesn't really work, does it?

Just because someone says something you don't like, doesn't mean they should "Shut up".
@Shadow1414 said in #4:
> #1:
> I like Anime.
> My favourite Anime is Erased.
> -
> #3:
> If you don't like someone's post, don't respond to it.
> You see, that doesn't really work, does it?
> Just because someone says something you don't like, doesn't mean they should "Shut up".
ok I will delete that message .

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