
Who to contact if I have any ideas?

Whenever anyone makes a proposal, I do the best I can to reply to it.
Proposals are only ignored for two reasons: When an idea is not interesting or useful, or it's already been suggested before and is in consideration.

Always search to make sure your idea hasn't already been suggested before asking / posting.
Are programmers not used to give feedback? A simple 'OK(, has been suggested already), in work/rejected' is enough. Ignoring something one says, because one did not google it, is asshole style. i was wondering if my software is broken, or if i configured something wrong with IRC, but the programmers dont mind to even say 'OK'. Aha. But why do they give IRC as communication channel if they wont communicate? Some programmers sometimes behave weird. Luckily not all programmers are that way.
When you get over 100 suggestions every day it can be hard to get back to them.
Yes, @peyop , i do. And the programmers in my programming language community behave different. Also, your question very well shows the wrong thinking. To get an 'ok' one has not to do anything.

@lovlas good point. It could be documented if programmers wont answer because there are too much questions.

However, i dont see _anything_ happen in the IRC Chat. It looks as if it is broken. Others also report no one is answering, see @Harutsedo #8, see @Chessatom here:
@SelfmateMan : ok, fine. I'm a programmer too, and I think that maintaining such a big open source project is not a piece of cake.
Anyway I don't see why you complain about an "asshole" behavior : searching whether a question was asked or not is a common thing in many forums. When I report something I don't except to receive thanks. I do it, that's all. And I suppose that lichess team has many other things to do than answer every request. We should not ask for an after sale service for something we haven't paid for. I don't mean your request lacks of sense, but do the team has time to implement such a feature ?
Well, ok, lets conclude that the lichess internet relay chat is a place where no chat happens.
#18 That's untrue; whenever I'm there Vinvin is sure to argue with me.
It's a common misconception to think that IRC is about realtime chat.

IRC is all about asynchronous communication. You say or ask what you want to, then quietly wait for someone to pop in and react to it. Yes, it can take hours, even days.

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