
when will I be able to message my team

if you already sent 7 messages in a week you can not send any more till next week i found that out on my own team
also what is your team i would be intrested in joining
@Kriegerkind2020 said in #2:
> if you already sent 7 messages in a week you can not send any more till next week i found that out on my own team
> also what is your team i would be intrested in joining
I know last week I send 7 but from Monday to now I am not able to send the message this has happened to me many times.
if you send 7 messages or reached ur limit in wednesday you can message again in next week Wednesdays which is 7 days that one week.
@DrSAmAnYaY said in #4:
> if you send 7 messages or reached ur limit in wednesday you can message again in next week Wednesdays which is 7 days that one week.
I didn't send any messages this week
if you already sent 7 messages in a week you can not send any more till next week
@Satvikpattanaik said in #9:
> friday
Ah that makes sense it not even one week you have wait until Friday for messaging in ur team as you last messaged in last Friday so you have to wait for 7 days that means the next Friday you can message that how it works. Not like after Sunday it new week no.

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