
WHAT THE HECK: Please tell me I'll be able to go back to positions from puzzles v1 !!!

*Thank you*, lego00 (#23).
This does let any of us review & analyze puzzles directly from the saved number. It doesn't have the same slick feel as *playing* the puzzle, but it addresses the main concern because it retrieves history in a way easy to look at and analyze.
Well done!
Do you think there will be a commitment to preserve the functionality at this level?
You can actually play the puzzle on that very page. Blitztactics has been around for a while and exists independently of lichess, so I am not expecting these links to start malfunctioning anytime soon. I have sent the blitztactics admin an email just in case.
Thanks for clarifying. I just had to 'sign up' (give a name & password) and it indeed worked ... even giving encouraging feedback ("great!", "good", etc. -- much nicer than "Keep going ...") along the way.
And -- correction -- you don't even have to sign up.
So the only quirks I find there are:
(1) Even when you're playing Black, which is obvious from the board orientation, the caption says "White to move".
(2) The "View puzzle on lichess" link is broken [though "Analyze puzzle on lichess" is fine.]
for those of us who have saved the links to puzzles as URL files (in windows, anyway), those files appear to be straight text. the URL within can easily be changed with a text editor or a regex program like grep (if you need hundreds to thousands changed in seconds)... i'd rather point those links to lichess, but now there appears to be a workaround.
Please go back to version 1. I can't even check why I failed puzzules or why I was successful if I guessed. Who did this?????

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