
Time Balanced Tournaments

Random idea: a new type of tournament where the time the player has is based on the difference in rating between them and their opponent.

For example a player with 2700 rating would have 15 seconds against a user with rating 1500 who would have 1 minute. If the players had the same rating then they'd have the same time.

This way lower rated players could get a chance to play higher rated players with a new dynamic to it. A fun challenge for the higher rated players and some interesting streaming potential.

The only issue I can think of immediately is the rating system, as if it was rated the time difference would have to be accounted for too. Presumably the same maths can be applied to the rating difference that occurs from the outcome as is applied to the time difference (if a player with 50% more time wins they get 50% less rating points than they usually would and vice versa). It could also just work with a hardcoded rating change of +/-5 points considering the balancing has already been done with the time. Alternatively it could be casual only although I think this would attract less players. People already happily beserk against lower rated players knowing that they'll lose full points if they lose. If they know this when they sign up to the tournament then maybe it's not an issue.

The advertised time format would be based on the time that opponents with the same rating would have. If the time format was 1 + 0 then two players of the same rating would have exactly this.
This would exacerbate the negative impacts sandbagging as the sandbagger will now have a time advantage over the other players as well... I like the idea though!
@J_SEDA_conant I mention Beserk in my initial post, it's not exactly the same thing, ever heard of analytical thinking? :)
I like this idea, I've played some casual tournaments like this irl, it's a lot of fun

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