
Tentative rating still appearing after playing more than 50 games for rapid

How many rated rapid games have you played recently? It's not just how many, but also when.
If he takes ages to play rated games, it's no surprise.
It's not tentative anymore now (looks like your rating deviation just went below 110). It's not based on game count though. Under certain circumstances (e.g. maybe when you win a lot in a row, then lose a lot in a row and so on, or maybe when there is a lot of time between games) your rating deviation can stay high and not fall below the limit.
Actually he didn't ask a question at all. Specifically he made no attempt to find out what the tentative rating means.

It appears he wanted to tell the world he's confused into thinking that 50 games was important even though I've seen people with 300+ games and a tentative rating. For some reason he thinks his confusion means LiChess is buggy.
Wow I have no words for him refusing to reply and instead downvoting the helpful answers

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