
Swiss tournament page is stuck on yesrerday

<Comment deleted by user>
I'm not on computer just a tablet on web page not app xxx tournament page stuck on 41 hours ago , not my problem but yours , I think
Definitely a real issue. I have checked from 2 different browsers and accounts (on a laptop) AND from my phone, and the swiss page is showing tournaments from yesterday for the most part. Actually, from 2 days ago (42-44 hrs ago)
You are not alone in having this problem.
<Comment deleted by user>
Yeah, I create daily swisses and since two days I've been noticing about this issue, no new members are joining to play, only the old ones. Hope it will resolve soon
<Comment deleted by user>
Well it's been three days now, still not fixed, still no mod reply about the problem, I mean , don't mean to mean but what's going on with the page? Is it hacked or something? xxx

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