
Swiss System Tournament Bugs and fixes

#9 I mean, I get it... if I saw a pairings anomaly and it might be fixable, I'd want it fixed for everyone's benefit and I'd be passionate about wanting it fixed. My difficulties here are:

* Although I have directed tournaments IRL, I am not a FA qualified to speak on the subject.
* Although I talked with the developers, I don't yet understand the code or even how to run it.
* Even if I knew how to run the pairings software, and even if I understood Swiss pairing rules, without the tournament data files I do not understand how to verify what happened in these events.
* Discussing this in an open forum where if I say something incorrect, eventually some player (nobody here) will take it out of context, limits what I can say about the subject and therefore makes what I say sound unreasonable.
* Apparently I lack people skills to ask basic questions such as #10. I was so tilted by seeing how the issue was presented that I didn't think clearly.
I'm not sure who was being sarcastic here....

I could be wrong, but the missing knights are very likely due to an older or non-supported browser, this is a user-support issue, not really appropriate for Github. I'd recommend taking those to the user-support discord

As for the swiss pairings, let me make one correction. They are not illegal, they are inconsistent with the way that OP would like them to work. He is free to make the case that his way is better and I'd certainly be willing to listen. If we can all agree that its a suggestion, then there are a few important things to remember with any suggestion:

1. There are always more good ideas than devs to implement and maintain them. Your suggestion may be good, but other things are currently a priority
2. Every feature on Lichess has to deal with technical limitations. Swiss pairings in particular are incredibly taxing on the Lichess servers, and efficiency issues may take precedence over having the pairings a certain way.
3. It's not Lichess' goal to mimic OTB chess. Making the argument that things are done a certain way OTB is not convincing to us. Instead arguments about what the majority of the userbase wants will be far more effective.

If @Sparklehorse would like to PM me on Lichess or Discord I'd be happy to try and help with the browser issue.
@NoJoke FYI I have added a comment to the GitHub issue. I still believe the pairings are valid however now I have more details - either there's something we can add to our help page, or possibly a subtle issue despite our rigorous testing to date.
@Sparklehorse Sorry for my earlier hasty judgment. I have come as close as humanly possible to proving there is an error & not just some extraordinarily unlikely coincidence (having to do with avoiding rematches, color assignments, etc.), and I have advised other developers with my evidence.

While what NoJoke says about technical limitations is true for large tournaments, and while I was puzzled about that until now, in this particular case I was mistaken and the limitation shouldn't adversely affect pairings.
I get the problem on mobile version web-browsers. But on the PC version ones everything is Ok.

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