
Strange bug made me lose a point.

I was playing a 3/0 tournament today and in one game, against a player called "futuro_gm22", he proposed a draw and I accepted. Then I checked the table and I saw I had 0 points for that game instead of 1 point. Then I checked the individual score and it showed the right result : 0.5 - 0.5. I have the screenshots to prove it but I don't know how to post them here.
Why even play chess if you are just going to make a draw in 10 moves? You do yourself as well as the game a terrible disservice by being such a pansy :)
If you draw after black's move 10, is that within the first 10 moves or not?
circleVIII, I didn't know about the 10 moves rule, but if some 2300 ELO offers me a draw, maybe he had some urgent things to do, so that's not your problem... got it, peasant?
If your opponent has some urgent things to do then it isn't your problem either pansy <3

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