
Puzzles way too easy

seems to be fixed. my highscore was reset to my "normal "score after i had doubled it easily.
Back to Earth with a true high score now, thank you lichess for your fix.
(Thanks for your amazing work)
Thank you for fixing the bug AND for resetting my record <3
My puzzle streak record still shows as much as I would love to keep it, if someone could please revert it back to my previous high of 40? Thank you?!
My storm record is also still from a run with too easy puzzles. Although it's embarrassingly low at 26, it's way above my current skill level 😅. Could it be reverted?
Same here. I first got suspicious when scoring 77 in Puzzle Racer. Before that my record was around 70. So I went for another run scoring an even higher number which has been deleted by now. The 77 is still standing though.
I agree, the scores need to be reversed. Is anyone working on it?
Please, delete my high score of 51 reached thanks to this bug :-)

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