
Puzzles Full Of Spam Now

Puzzles should never be about solving impossible reems of computer analysis - they serve no purpose in improving your game as you will never be able to dedicate such a huge chunk of your time to solving such positions in real play, more to the point you will be unlikely to even be aware that the tactics exist - the carlsen caruana game with that mad "winning" zugzswang tactic is being banded around as a great study position whereas in reality it is worthless to any human.

The ONLY good puzzles fit this criteria:
1. 5 moves max
2. Variation should be extremely forcing, with only minor side lines to consider.
3. End position must be a mate or a trivially winning endgame.

Anything else is garbage that serves no purpose to the furtherment of chess, and those who advocate otherwise should go pay a visit to the world solving championships to learn themselves a good lesson in humility!
This is even dumber than your previous post. All your points are silly. There are various types of tactics covering almost any chess theme.

Just because you aren't able to calculate more than 5 moves ahead, it doesn't mean that every tactic over 5 moves isn't good.

Sure some puzzles are very forcing. But some are not. Often the ones that are less forcing are more difficult.

It goes without saying that not every puzzle must end in a mate or a winning endgame. You obviously have no clue what a puzzle or tactic is. The point is to solve whatever position you are given.

Generally, I'm pretty pleased with the puzzles here. It seems straightforward enough - you're to play the best moves. It suites me and I'm guessing the masses quite well.

Some puzzles challenge you to find the path that will lead to mate or at least bring you to the point where mate is almost a given.

Some puzzles challenge you to gain a material and/or positional advantage.

You 'solve' the puzzle by playing the 'best moves'. The best moves either win the game or strengthen your position.

Is there room for improvement? Probably, but I'd be careful about fixing something that isn't broken. Perhaps different categories of puzzles would be helpful for some players???

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