
Puzzle Streak

Please make Puzzle Streak high score visible on the profile. Like Puzzles high score and Puzzle Storm high scores are visible.
Thank you!
They addressed it in the blog post. Adding the score would lead to people trying to break the system (maybe using unfair means) or gamify it. They haven't built an anti cheat system for puzzles yet I guess.
Ok but what about Racer? You can't really cheat in Racer
Unfortunately, the Streak is far too much like the Storm. Too easy for too long - I really miss the old problems: they were worth spending time on.

Now it's just some simple tactic or choose the right one from several simple tactics. It's like doing the captchas.... :(

So it does make sense not to also show the streak in the profile. It's basically just about staying concentrated for longer than three minutes, otherwise it's the same.

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